Friday, November 28, 2008

Banditocracy and the Gestapo.

The police in Vanadzor have upped their intimidation of the people not openly loyal to the banditocracy. The policement pay visits to the homes of the people with unfavorable views of the authorities and interrogate them in their own homes. The details are available here. This is in the good tradition established in Nazi Germany or Stalinist USSR - these kind of practices were executed by the Gestapo or the NKVD.

Thank God that they do not resort to their usual methods of interrogation - violence and physical assaults.


Ani said...

"Friendly talks" unfortunately have taken place in the U.S. as well at low points. I read a biography of a Russian emigre who received one of these visits in the 1950s, during the McCarthy HUAC hearings. His response was to greet the visitors as long-lost friends, offer them hospitality, and proceed to answer every question in long, exquisite detail, and essentially bore them silly, until they decided that he was not the "commie" they hoped he was, and certainly not a good person to bring to the hearings to testify.

Perhaps everybody being visited in Vanadzor could bring out all their photo albums, and insist that since the police are interested, they need to look at every photo in the book, and memorize all their relatives' names. Also, they need to have their photos taken with the family, too. It's one approach, anyway.

Ankakh_Hayastan said...

That's a nice and creative way of dealing with the issue.

I had forgotten about the McCarthy era. I think we can add it to the Gestapo or NKVD list. Even though it's not on the same level, McCarthyism was still an oppressive policy.

Ani said...

Wish the 1950s were the most recent incidents in the U.S., but a lot of Muslims got these "friendly visits" in Dearborn and Brooklyn much more recently...