Friday, August 22, 2008

VM gets a cushy task.

Vazgen Manukian is probably set to become a representative of the banditocracy.

Օգոստոսի 24-29-ին ԱՄՆ Դենվեր քաղաքում տեղի ունենալիք դեմոկրատների համագումարին եւ դրա շրջանակներում անցկացվող Առաջնորդների միջազգային ֆորումին մասնակցելու են նաեւ ՀՀ ընդդիմության եւ իշխանության ներկայացուցիչները:

Հայ ազգային կոնգրեսի կողմից մասնակցելու է Դավիթ Շահնազարյանը, իսկ իշխանությունների կողմից` Վազգեն Մանուկյանը:


Haik said...

Is Manukyan on his way of becoming an ambassador of the Armenian Department of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation?

Anonymous said...

VM is one of the few Armenian politicians who isn't led by cheap king-of-the-hill vendettas.

With a chance to serve his nation, he does.

Anonymous said...

"VM is one of the few Armenian politicians who isn't led by cheap king-of-the-hill vendettas.

With a chance to serve his nation, he does."

I see that the world according to VM and his supporters is as irony free as ever. Thanks for the laughs. Good stuff...

Anonymous said...

I agree with 'me' - I think it is better to have politicians like LTP who steal elections from the winner VM (1996).

Anonymous said...

Oh man. It's not 1996 anymore. Get over it. I've said it before, I'll say it again...If he did win that election in '96, he lost it when he told people to storm the National Assembly building if he didn't come back in 20 minutes. On September 26, there was no state of emergency, but the streets were eerily empty. He lost his base right then and there; he barely even registers in national elections now.

And the fact that he is standing by another election thief really bolsters your claim that he always puts the nation first, doesn't he? For VM, it's always been about himself, and himself only. To him, the biggest problem in '96 wasn't that the elections were "stolen", it was just that there were stolen from HIM.