I don't even know why they do it.
That is, why they hold 'elections' in Armenia.
How is that country going to survive, let alone prosper, in the long run, I don't know.
The Journal Of An Armenian In Exile.
That is, why they hold 'elections' in Armenia.
How is that country going to survive, let alone prosper, in the long run, I don't know.
10:06 AM
if levonakans had won the election you wouldn't say this would you?
Fir me the most important thing is that levonakans don't come back to power in Armenia. Be it HHK, Dashnak, BHk whatever...as long as it's not the levonakan sect.
And this has come true.
Հայ ազգային կոնգրեսը ներկայացված չի լինի Երեւանի խորհրդի կազմում: Քիչ առաջ Մատենադարանում հանրահավաքի ժամանակ Լեւոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանը հայտարարեց, որ Հայ ազգային կոնգրեսի ցուցակով առաջադրված ավագանու թեկնածուները հրաժարվում են աշխատել իշխանության հետ:
This was the last nail on their coffin. Good riddance.
I don't care who comes to power. All I care about is clean and free elections, and basic adherence to the rule of law.
Ballot stuffing, buying votes, physical abuse and other illegal activities invalidate any notion of elections, in my opinion.
And what if the foundation of conducting free and fair elections, put in place in 1991 to 1998 wasn't so faulty or non-present?
Besides, your idea of free-fair is much different than mine or of the average middle class Armenian living in Armenia, (who works in public service) or another who is unemployed, or another who had a lot of money+advantages in levon's time but doesn't have any now and wants to reclaim that.
For each one it is different. But if you consider that European standards are most important then today all observers from the European Union said that the elections were up to European standards. But obviously that's not enough for you and levonakans. So what does it take? For Serge+Republicans to lose? Only then it's fair? That the whole country supports levonakans and no one supports the Republicans Bargavach or Dashnaks? That's the way levonakans think because their guru trains them to think that way. And that's fascism. Much worse than where Armenia is today.
Also, how can anyone trust the founding father of banditocracy the job of eradicating banditocracy? Just doesn't make sense, does it. It's like the Germans giving a second chance to Hitler to establish racial equality and democracy.
«Կամ առաջինն ենք, կամ մեր տեղը Մատենադարանն է»,-այսօր Մատենադարանի մոտ կայացած հանրահավաքի ժամանակ հայտարարեց «Հանրապետություն» կուսակցության նախագահ Արամ Սարգսյանը
Just to reassert what I was saying before
And let me continue on:
"այլ քաղաքական ուժ, բացի երեքից, գոյություն չունի` ՀԱԿ-ն է, ՀՀԿ-ն ու ԲՀԿ-ն: Այսինքն, մնացել է թաք մի զույգ, դրանց էլ ենք մաքրելու»,-ասաց Արամ Սարգսյանը:Այս խոսքերից հետո հավաքվածները սկսեցին վանկարկել «հիմա», ինչին ի պատասխան Սարգսյանն ասաց, որ ժամկետների հարցում պետք է վստահել այն մարդուն, որը 10 տարի լռելուց հետո ճիշտ պահին մտավ քաղաքականություն:
And this is exactly why I and most Armenians prefer Serge much more than Levon.
anonymous - why do you quote this stuff here? for these levonakan minions, there is no such thing as democracy or elections or participation or public good. It is just about power. And some of them lament the fact that they were not able to keep plundering while they were in power depopulating Armenia throughout the early 90s.
For them the elections were good if levon came back, or if they were able to whip up enough hysteria to have Armenians clash so they could give the authorities a black eye.
Anonymous 2,
I quote them for Mr. Nazarian finally to be less blind and more fair in his assessment of good vs. evil.
Anoymouses or anonymous
Do you support falsified elections?
Do YOU support the mafia which put the roots of falsified elections in Armenia? 1991 to 1998.
The roots and the foundation.
I don't support falsified elections. But even more than that, I don't support the levonakan sect in whose hands the elections will be falsified like NEVER before!!
Levon and his cronies have no right to speak about democracy
I gave you a very plane question.
And you gave me a good answer saying "I don't support falsified elections."
It is good enough to define that you are against the current Armenian regime including Serjik Sargsyan. We also know that you are against Levon TP and HAK.
Now it is interesting to find out that what do you support, what are you for and what is you ideology?
I am sincerely interested.
I don't doubt that we support exactly the same thing: Free, democratic and prosperous Armenia.
We very well know that it needs time.
But our only difference is that, to accomplish that dream, you choose a leader and a sect which ruined Armenia, which established banditocracy and oligarchic system in Armenia from 1991 to 1998.
And I, on the other hand, TOLERATE (not worship like yourself) a man who has been president for almost a year and with all his faults he doesn't even compare to 10% of the evil your sect unleashed upon Armenia in 1991 to 1998 and now, coming back as wolf dressed in sheep's clothing is promising golden mountains or democracy to Armenia.
To believe that, I should either be completely stupid/ naive or have monetary gain. I choose neither. And I and most Armenians go with the MUCH lesser of two evils Serge Sargsyan.
I have 2 advices to you. Brotherly advice.
1.As long as your sect and its leader don't stop acting like you're some kind of Saviour/Messiah and whoever is not with you is "takank".
2. As long as Levon Ter Petrosyan doesn't apologize SINCERELY for ALL the mistakes he has done and swear that he will never do them again and surrounds himself with clean people for a change (such as Raffi, whom you hate, Anahit Baxshian etc. etc.)
You will alienate people. You want real change? Choose leaders who sincerely want real change. I'll be the first to follow. Until then most Armenians will go with the tried formula, with the formula which for better or for worse gives them stability.
In this case: Serge Sargsyan.
When I look at Levon-Aramik-Styopa-Alik I am proud to call Serge my President.
You have the right to have your own opinion. And I don't think that whatever I say will change it. Let the history be the judge.
Meanwhile while accusing others for intolerance in your comments (which you flood everywhere) you preach not less than that.
By the way I don't hate anybody and I don't warship anyone. I just call thing in their names.
In Levonakan's case the only way to fight their intolerance is by being intolerant (eye against eye)and fight their lies with truth. All other methods have been exhausted. That's what I do..
I personally think if your sect really wanted to show that they want to do something good for Armenia, they would have shown it by working well and raising valid issues in Yerevan city council. But their intention is not that, and they proved it. They want to occupy Armenia.Either everything or nothing. They've burnt all bridges today. And that's why the Armenian nation will totally turn its face away from you. You promote extremism and fascism. That's why you're doomed to fail. Mark my words and let's talk again in 6 months. Not more.
So, all these words and you are for fraudulent elections and illegitimate 'whoever is the city council'.
Sticking labels and calling names doesn't make things progress. I don't know which political ideology you sympathize with but without sympathizing with the restoration of the constitutional law and order, it doesn't really matter.
As far as I'm concerned the elections were free and fair. I don't see any solid facts to prove otherwise.
I have also no reason to believe that the sect or sect leader you support will conduct the elections any better than this. His terrible record certainly doesn't prove it.
Armenia conducts elections as good as any former Soviet state (minus the Baltics) can conduct them. Maybe even better than most of them. Constitutional law and order is as good as it can be. Let's strive for the better but without supporting sects which want to use such universal romantic terminology as "Constitutional law and order", "democracy" only to gain political dividends. In levonakan sect's case to bring back all they had 1991-1998. In one word to create a fascist one-party system banning all others just like they did 1992-1998.
I say: The revolution is dead long live the king the best that we can have for now, the one whom majority of Armenians voted into office: Serge Sargsyan.
Anonymous, as soon as you start putting some meat to your argument, you immediately cheapen it with things like calling a political force a 'sect' or someone like Serj Sargsian (whom I consider to be illegitimate) as 'king'.
You have all the right to your opinion about the conduct of the elections because it is obvious that you have a very low opinion of what is possible to do in Armenia. I, myself, do not like the way these things are done in the country that's why I maintain this blog.
As I have repeated many times, I do not really care who is the political force heading the struggle to bring back the constitutional order in Armenia. Even if the Dashnaktsutyun were doing it (I am ideologically opposed to socialism and nationalism that is why the Dashnak ideology is foreign to me), I would support them.
That's perhaps the slightly literal part of my writing, but also remember that calling it a "sect" or calling a president "illegitimate" don't differ much in context.
In politics you don't burn the bridges without giving a chance to your opponent to sit at the negotiating table. Levon came into this exactly like that. Like a little kid who was beaten up at school and all he wants to do is hurl insults shout and even burn a city. That doesn't change much, AND it doesn't bring constitutional order back. Raffi Hovhannisyan wouldn't have done it. Dashnaktsutyun (the new leadership) wouldn't have done it.
Levon's sect is doomed especially after this last election. He doesn't have many options. Either start an armed rebellion (which will be crushed and he will be killed,jailed or deported) or agree to talk with Serge Sargsyan, present realistic,specific demands and continue to lead a strong opposition.
Strong opposition yes. But under his leadership it will never work.
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