Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yericyan promo in Tsitsernakaberd.

One of the basic requirements of advertising is to place your ad in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Another basic requirement is to make the ad memorable.

Every April 24 thousands of people visit Tsitsernakaberd in Yerevan to honor the memory of the victims of 1915 genocide by the Turks. That is a lot of eyeballs. So the Yericyan stores in Yerevan has come up with a unique way to promote itself. They have brought a flower arrangement bearing their logo to the memorial.

This is a new low for the Armenian business. This is one of the occasions where everybody should refrain from blatant self promotion. To do things like this is to dishonor the memory of our ancestors who suffered a cruel death.

Next time I am in Armenia, I will not set foot in a Yericyan store. I call on everybody who reads this blog to boycott Yericyan stores as well. Tell everyone you know to avoid this place.

Phot cpurtesy of

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