Saturday, May 02, 2009

No Comment.

Հեռագիր թուրքական կառավարությանը.

Նորին գերազանցություն Մեծարգո Օսմանյան կառավարության զինվորական մինիստր` Էնվեր փաշային». Կոստանդնուպոլիս

Հայաստանի Հանրապետության կառավարությունը պատիվ ունի հայտնելու Ձերդ գերազանցությանը, հանուն մեր բարեկամության, իրազեկ դարձնել Ձեզ այն մասին, որ Անդրանիկ փաշան խուսափել է մեր կառավարությունից, իմանալով, որ զինվորական դատի պիտի ենթարկվի մեր զինվորական մինիստրին չենթարկվելու համար: Անդրանիկ փաշան տաճկահպատակ հայերից կազմել է առանձին զորաբանակ, նպատակ ունենալով անցնել Ջուլֆայի կամուրջը եւ Խոյի ու Սալմաստի շրջանում միանալ Վանից նահանջող ժողովրդին: Նա մտադիր է ուժեղ բանակ կազմել, ստեղծել սեպարատ պետություն եւ հարձակվել ձեր վրա: Խնդրում ենք միջոցներ ձեռք առնել նրան վերջնականապես ջախջախելու համար:

Հայաստանի Հանրապետության կառավարության նախագահ`
Հ. Քաջազնունի

Հայաստանի Հանրապետության զինվորական մինիստր`
Արամ փաշա Մանուկյան

Հայաստանի կառավարության խորհրդի նախագահ`

Հուլիսի 17-ին, 1918թ.


Anonymous said...

U made me cry...
They say there is a place in the Bible where it says Jesus will ask all of us what we have done for our Motherland.
What did these traitors answer?

Anonymous said...

i think it is funny when people comment on the terrible years when LTP was in power, the levonakan minions whine about it being old history, war years, and every other relevant or irrelevant excuse-making so they need not face the reality.

so, what makes a 90 yr old statement so much more appropriate now?

it fuels the self-hatred that so many levonakans lubricate each other with.

Anonymous said...

reminds me on how LTP government ordered to kill HAB fighters, since they were "out of law".

Anonymous said...

The only funny thing in today's Armenian reality is you Anonymous and others like you. It's you that refuse to face the reality, with only one word in your mouth: Levon, Levon,Levon...

Ankakh_Hayastan said...

Actually, no HAB people were killed. HAB themselves killed 3 people who had gone to mediate their surrender. Two of the 3 killed were members of Parliament.

Also, one of the HAB commanders, Vasilian, was a big shot in the Defense Ministry until a couple of years ago.

I usually try to ignore the disinformation being spread from the SS banditocrats but some of the lies need to be nipped in the bud.

Anonymous said...

///I usually try to ignore the disinformation being spread from the SS banditocrats ///
And the most funny is that this "disinformation" was developed back in 1990. And yeah, SS banditocrats were already active then.

Here is the task, find 5 similarities and 5 differences in and Nazarian's posted letter. btw, both are out of context, and the letter of HHSH-Armenia (about HAB) to Moscow is missing.

And can you shape the image of Andranik and the image of HAB based only on those documents?

Also a master eye can visualize governments behind those documents, their motivations, fears, possible prior-actions.

Good Luck :)))

And thanks to Nazarian, never thought of finding similarities between dashanktsutyun and HHSH, he helped me out :)))

Haik said...

You are blinded by hatred. So deeply that you even lost the sense of common logic.
I haven't read your link but one thing is for sure it was Turkey that 3 years earlier from that letter and even during 1918s was massacring Armenians. It was definitely not Russia and hence there cant be any comparison.

We went through a war and horrible times in 90s and with victory for the first time in centuries and this as definitely an achievement.
As I am sure many I lost my eye sight under candle light and went to bed hungry many night but I and everybody else at that time knew that we were in the war. Everyday there was a new funeral of a dead soldier. And we were the lucky ones, our homes were not shelled. If you were there you would know. And stop your idiocity. Enough is enough.

Haik said...

Arent you the same nicerollofham (
You write in perfect Eastern Armenian (with Eastern Armenian spelling and grammar)and at the same time you claim to be Turkish Armenian from Istanbul. How come you don't write in Western Armenian? Also in diaspora the city is not called Istanbul it is called Konstandinopolis.
Nothing fits correctly. How can you proove that your are not on the Turkish secret service payroll for sabotaging the Armenian biosphere?

Unknown said...

It is funny how the history can be twisted. There are many errors that LTP committed during his governing, but creating the National Army and winning the war in Kharabakh are not among errors. Dismiss of HAB is a great example of excellent results achieved by the first Armenian government (and here names of Vazgen Manukian and Vazgen Sargisyan should be mentioned too). Tolerating independent HAB or dashnaks para-military formations was pregnant with chaos and anarchy, which was observed in Georgia later. Contrary to Georgia and Azerbaijan, Armenian authorities showed firmness and created solid Army (at the very early stages of state formation), subordinated to the central government and acting in professional manner.

As for the letter posted by Nazarian, we need to bring up all facts and documents from 1918-1920 era, objectively evaluate our history and see how it could happen that at that time, in a very similar situation as in 1991-1994, dashnaks lost not only huge territory, but eventually the sovereignty of the country. Could be a good exercise to ban them from government. forever.

Anonymous said...

Leave the soviet (regurgitated by the neo-komsomolchiks levonakanner) historiography behind.

You are so blinded in your hatred of the arf, that you even continue to repeat distorted history from 1918.

The government of the time saved the nation, with its mistakes, limitations and horrible situation on the ground (genocide, poverty, epidemics rampant).

Please do not compare with the early 90s, where the HHSh elite regime got rich at the expense of the population. This is the first time in centuries where emigration from Armenia was encouraged by the Armenian leadership. It served their purpose, as so eloquently mocked by Vano.

Unknown said...

Anon at 12:04 any substance?
your first paragraph is attempt of insult.

second paragraph is declaration.

third paragraph is declaration.

fourth paragraph is attempt to point at errors of the first (LTP) government, which in the light of third paragraph is very bleak and even ridiculous.
(in 1918-20 they saved the nation in 1990-1994 robbed and dispersed).

Ankakh_Hayastan said...

I don't know if there is anyone out there that hates ARF - they are an insignificant party on the nationalist fringe of the Armenian political scene. They claim to have a glorious past but that is debatable at best. Of course, they are far more influential in Spyurq but that doesn't help much for it to be influential inside Armenia.

As for the document I posted, I think it is important to know how the government of Armenia at the time could ask a mortal enemy to eliminate a fellow Armenian. Reliance on the outsider thrid parties is bad. Reliance on your enemy is a pretty dangerous game.

Anonymous said...

Not that insignificant. Like them or not, they are the only party with any kind of ideological platform. That is already enough to discredit the ostrich mentality you propose.

Ankakh_Hayastan said...

What is their ideology - vote 'yea' while being 'nay'? They seem to remember about their 'ideological fundamentals' of being anti-whatever they are immediately before any elections. 2-3 days after the elections are over, they are back to their 'dem ellalov koghm kellanq' behavior.

Tigran said...

What you placed is a fake.
For two years I am asking people to show me original or place where can I get it.
May be you canhelp me?

Haik said...

I like calling it MMFF party that is, "Mickey Mouse with Flip Flops" party.
It seems that the kids enjoy them as they would enjoy Disney characters. Enjoy this:

Anonymous said...

Who else thinks that Russia bears walking the streets, and the vodka flows like water?
And anyone can know that in this country the most beautiful girls?

Anonymous said...

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