Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ernest Vardanyan admits guilt, asks for clemency.

Ernest Vardanyan was a journalist of Armenian origin that was imprisoned in the Trans-Dniestr Republic for espionage. Prior to that, he was a very active member of the Armenian Forums calling the political prisoners 'criminals that deserve to be imprisoned'. As luck had it, he himself became what was considered a political prisoner jailed for his journalistic activities.

Well, it is now clear that this is not quite true. He was not a journalist jailed for his views. He has now admitted to being a spy. So much for all that support for him.
[...] Էռնեստ Վարդանյանն այդ նամակում ընդունում է իր մեղքը: Նա նշել է, որ խաբեության ճանապարհով 9 տարիների ընթացքում հավաքագրված է եղել Մոլդովայի հատուկ ծառայությունների կողմից, սակայն Մոլդովայի օգտին լրտեսությամբ զբաղվել է իր կամքին հակառակ, իսկ ձերբակալությունից հետո զղջացել է կատարածի համար, իր մեղքը գիտակցում է եւ խնդրել է ներում շնորհել: [...]

Let's see what happens.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Very Important Interview.

Today's Aravot has an interview with Levon Zurabyan. He touches a number of issues but the main point is the necessity of open and honest relationships with the people.Here is an excerpt:

[...] I have always believed in people's collective intelligence. It may seem that people do not understand these nuances but it's not true. The political power, which presents the political realities honestly and in depth, wins. It also wins when it presents what the nation needs to do to defend the interests of the people of both Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh people's interests, and it wins when it shows diplomatic flexibility. [...]
The full interview is available here in Armenian. Use Google Translate to get an idea of what Mr Zurabyan says in English.

Armpit News.

Ments make it big: Rolling Stones quotes Alik Sargsyan, "I do not like emos, in fact. I absolutely don't like them."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lag Time: 3 Weeks.

I've noticed a curious coincidence with the speeches of Putvedev and Serj Sargsyan. There seems to be a 2-3 week lag between what Putin or Medvedev say and what Serj Sargsyan says. For example, a few days ago SS made a speech at his party's gathering which was the same as Medvedev has said 3 weeks earlier.

November 23, 2010: "We have seen a threat of stability becoming a factor of stagnation. Such a stagnation is equally damaging for the ruling party and opposition forces" - Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president

December 19, 2010: "Very stable conditions can lead to a solid state, weakening of dynamics, standing water typically becomes a swamp" - Serzh Sargsyan

via Smbat Gogyan

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shortage of Eastern Armenian Actors in LA

Yesterday I was catching up with the Showtime series Weeds. An older theme there was an Armenian drug dealing gang.

There are two types of Armenian characters in Hollywood productions. One is a hard working small business owner who is a descendant of the Metz Yeghern survivor. The other type is a violent criminal belonging to an Armenian gang. The first type is a Western Armenian. The second type is a recent emigrant from the USSR.

What was strange was that the actors playing the Armenian gangsters were Arabs. And the language they spoke was in Western Armenian.

With the latest news stories of some of our criminal compatriots trying to rip off the US government, trying to sell weapons to terrorists and the Armenian government selling weapons to Iran, it's clear that the negative stereotypes of Armenians are going to persist and probably become worse.

To portray these characters in the movies and the media, there will be opportunities for Armenian actors to have a steady stream of villain roles.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Misery of the Armenian Police State

Հանրահավաքի ավարտից հետո, սակայն, երբ մասնակիցները որոշել են երթ անցկացնել, ոստիկանության մեծաքանակ ուժերը հարձակվել են երթի մասնակիցների վրա եւ բռնություն կիրառելով, փորձել են խոչընդոտել երթի անցկացումը:

Արդյունքում ՀԱԿ-ի ակտիվիստներից մեկին` Հրանտ Թամրազյանին ոստիկանության «Վիլիս» ավտոմեքենայով տարել ոստիկանության բաժին, որին որոշ ժամանակ անց բաց են թողել: Ոստիկաններից մեկն, անգամ փորձել է ֆոտոլրագրող Գագիկ Շամշյանի ձեռքից խլել ֆոտոապարատը:
Մանրամասները կարդացեք՝
Տեսանյութը՝ Գագիկ Շամշյանի
Video by Gagik Shamshyan