Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The answer to the quiz.

This was the first ever, and the only time, when a politician or an opinion leader called for violence against their own government in the modern Armenian history. While 100+ people are currently in jail for political reasons and flimsy criminal charges, Hrant Margarian has never been questioned by the law enforcement about this threat he made shortly after the October 27 assassinations..

Հրանտ Մարգարյան, ՀՅԴ պարագլուխ, Նոյեմբեր 1999:
[...] Քանի դեռ ամեն մի մեքենա ունի մի քանի լիտր բենզին, եւ ամեն հայ ընտանիքում կա մի քանի շիշ, տանկային ցանկացած իշխանություն Հայաստանում մեկ ամսից ավելի կյանք չի ունենա: [...]
Hrant Margarian, ARF leader, November 1999:
[...] As long as cars have a few liters of gasoline, and there are a bottles available in every Armenian family, any government propped up by tanks cannot survive for more than a month. [...]


Anonymous said...

It doesn't quite make sense, actually.

Is it "as long as there is so little (in the way of basic necessities), no government propped up by tanks can survive long."??

Or is the meaning something else? Seems too confusing to be a great quote.

Anonymous said...

Only time in modern history that there was a call for violence against the government? Have you been in Armenia the last few months?

Ankakh_Hayastan said...

anonymous 1, he specifically talked about violence such as defeating tanks with Molotov cocktails.

anonymous 2, that's why I said "when a politician or an opinion leader". The ordinary citizens say things like that, and even worse, all the time. But their words do not have as much impact as Hrant Margarian who controls an organization which in the past has not shunned from violence.

Anonymous said...

Did Hrantik forgot about this own thoughs NOW?
Thats probably because Dashnaks are the MOST SOLD OUT party in Armenian hostory!