Monday, July 07, 2008


07.07. 2008
Այսօր (07.07. 2008), ժամը 15:15-ի սահմաններում Աբովյան-Թումանյան խաչմերուկից 11…887 արծաթագույն «Մերսեդես» մակնիշի մեքենայով առևանգվել է Սասուն Միքայելյանի` այսօր ընթացած դատավարության ընթացքում տեղի ունեցած բողոքի ակցիայիա մասնակից ` Համաժողովրդական Շարժման ակտիվիստ Արսեն Ներսիսյանը:

Առևանգիչները փորձել են գողանալ ևս 2 մասնակցի, ինչը նրանց չի հաջողվել:
Սա դիտարկելով որպես բանդիտիզմի հերթական դրսևորում, խստորեն պահանջում ենք ոստիկանությունից` անհապաղ հայտնաբերել և պատասխանատվության կանչել առևանգիչներին:

Update: The kidnappers in the silver Mercedes were the police. Arsen Nersisian was released after being held for 4 hours. This incident of imitating 1937 is fortunately over without serious harm done to Arsen.


  1. ///This incident of imitating 1937/// what police is doing is llegal and stupid, however comparing it to 1937 is the image what azeris would love to see about Armenia

    Nazarian, do you have a clue what 1937 is?

    Better compare it to the 1992-95 period of Armenia, in that years the 'kidnapped' guy would even not be able to call to his friends. DId you live in Armenia for these years?

  2. how dare you say such a thing anonymous?

    This is much worse than Stalin, Talaat, Pol Pot, Mugabe, and every known horror to man!!

    I was having a cafe latte in the Opera yesterday and there was a demonstration going on with 20 people only 50 meters away!! Horror!!

    It is like the stories my grandmother told me from Der Zor.

  3. OK instead of a sarcastic tone, I think it is fair to say that the reality is nothing like 1937.

    While state media is often one-sided, it does not help to swing the pendulum the other way with fantastic exaggerations of what is happening on the ground.

  4. anonymous N1,
    have you ever heard the word "metaphore"?
    nobody's saying that there are millions of people in concentration camps, but there's a spirit of 1937 in the air.

    anonymous N 2,
    if you are trying to be funny, sorry, but it's not that hysterically funny, frankly.

    besides, I think, neither the arrests of opposition ativists, nor the sufferings of your grandmother (God bless her soul) in Der-Zor,
    are a proper theme for making jokes, at least for someone who considers themselves Armenian
    (if you are Turkish, never mind, nice going)

  5. ///have you ever heard the word "metaphore"?///

    aha, also such concepts as:

    "misuse of metaphor"

    "abuse of metaphor"

    And this one is worst abuse of metaphor going hand in hand with Azer policy against Armenia.

    And probably comparing march 1 to Arm Genocide was metaphoric?

  6. Actually, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the anti-Armenian rhetoric coming out of Azerbaijan, or from the radical opposition.

    Just read the texts...often the same. And then people wonder why Armenia is weakened on the international front?

  7. What are you people talking about? The killings, arrests of anyone who represents anything valuable (if they are not already assassinated during last 10 years) or just has a personality, violations of essential human right etc. are not weakening Armenia, but speaking about these things does? Would you like to be kidnapped? Would you like to be imprisoned because, let’s say, you agree with or just like Kocharyan or Sargsyan? Would you like your children to be terrorized and scared to think? If you do, then do not judge anyone else.

    Regarding Stalinism: yes, this IS Stalinism. Nobody says absolutely everything—the numbers, the scale of the actions, etc-- corresponds the Stalin era, but the style, the “principles”, the steps taken, the speeches spoken/written, the mentality of the authorities, the paranoia of conspiracy theories are exactly the same.

    By the way, even Stalin did not shoot people. And, Stalin, at least, was liked by the vast majority of people.

  8. hh - your final comment is worth framing.

    talk about a self-annihilating argument. it is no surprise you support ltp.

  9. I am sorry, forgot that sometimes very detailed sentences are needed since some do not want to understand what others mean. Stalin did not shoot people, who were gathered in the streets, did not shoot them openly, in front of thousands of witnesses.

  10. hh

    Lets imagine its 1937 and there there are newsletters like HZH, or chi and also meetings, crowds, etc shouting Stalin is a bustard /its hard to imagine and tis talk is about that, anyway/

    can you give scenario of Stalin's reactions? And remember in your last comment you hinted that Stalin was better than RK.
